
On office・shop or store original state recovery and restoration construction (when moving・leaving) Q&A!


Hello, everyone! We here are Office original state recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website, personnel in charge.


This time, we think we are explaining a theme of,


Office・shop or store original state recovery and restoration construction (when moving・leaving) Q&A!


This is the translation of  our Japanese blog we wrote in February.


It is after the beginning of spring, so it has become true spring season according to the calendar season.

Talking about spring, it may be a so-called moving season. As for office, and shop or store too, there may be many of those who are probably considering to move and/or leave the office, shop or store by marking before/after spring too.


In fact, our company also receive quotation requests and construction orders of office, shop or store moving, leaving early spring every year.


Therefore, we wrote some relative matters concerning office, shop or store moving・removing construction once again as Q&A(=questions and answers) style this time as follows.


Naturally, we are also explaining original state recovery and restoration construction.

If this article would make a reference value for you when you will plan to move・leave your rented property, then we should be very happy.


For your reference, we set up our former article website links concerning original state recovery and restoration(construction), so please refer to them as your reference together.


As some of our article content parts are repeated, kindly understand that.


「What is office original state recovery and restoration construction?  What is the difference from present state restoration・restoration to the original state?」

「Must to do before requesting original state recovery and restoration construction」

「Rough flow of original state recovery and restoration construction」



Office leaving(+moving) is about to be planned. What to do first?

A.Deciding leaving date firstly, and informing it to the property lender side (building owner or managing company). But ・・



On office leaving(+moving) from the property, it may be natural that the most important point is deciding leaving date.

Same as flat, housing apartment, and so on general leased living use property, it is supposed to decide leaving date firstly, and after that, you are going to plan to request original state recovery and restoration construction.

However, if time permitting, before determining leaving date, we propose you to read the lease contract briefly and simulate the following procedure, as far as you know.

This reason is, after determining leaving date, if the following schedule should be too tight, the time would soon be passed in an instant for planning construction, looking for construction company, checking with property lender and so on.


What are the check points connecting with original state recovery and restoration construction of「property lease contract」?



The most important point is, where and in what condition to return the property to the owner or managing company. Next, checking if there is an appointed contractor.



There are a lot of points to be checked before leaving office, shop or store property, such as ceiling・wall・floor・equipment・stocked goods and so on, occurring to be executed original state recovery and restoration construction.

Firstly, checking what state at each place is required to be before returning the property, and also check if it is correct with building owner or managing company.

Unless carrying out this work process, deliberately getting to rash ahead, saying that「Doing it in this way seems to be OK!」and just executing construction and so on. Then there may be a possibility that it would lead to do needless construction, or cannot construct at the necessary place to the contrary, and it would cost additional extra expense.

Besides, it is also necessary to check if there is an appointed contractor for the construction with the owner or managing company.

If there is, then it should be duly followed basically.


How to select original state recovery and restoration construction contractor? If there is an appointed contractor, then?


A.Selecting a contractor according to the content written㏌the contract. If there is an appointed contractor, we propose you to get other quotations too.



Although just saying original state recovery and restoration construction, that construction contents is wide-ranging variously. According to the cases, we may have to request plural contractors.

Still, it may not be rather easy to understand which construction you should request to which contractor generally. So, selecting suitable contractor seems to be very difficult and hard.


In order to solve that problem, we have arranged appointed contractors according to certain tenant kind in many cases.


Even if there is not any appointed contractor in particular, it may be said that such contractors which are mainly taking charge of original state recovery and restoration construction, the range to be able to cover the construction is wide enough. So, it is probably relieving to let them execute.

At any rate, we recommend you to check the relative company homepage or leaflet firstly, or to make an inquiry, then to check if it is possible to execute the necessary content work of original state recovery and restoration construction.


If there is an appointed contractor, there may be uneasiness about price transparency. In order to avoid to receive unjust bill, we recommend you to check if its offer price is in the suitable level according to the market when receiving quotation from the appointed contractor, with other plural quotations.


As selecting contractor may be a big matter, is it ideal to contact a famous construction company to request the construction?

A.It is not always a famous company=specialist of original state recovery and restoration construction. In addition, as far as the price is concerned, that famous company price tends to be high too・・・



Name recognition of so-called general contractor is high, so they are almost all taking charge of various famous buildings.

But as for prime contractors such as general contractors, its actual construction business is to request subcontractors to do that, and the former just plays a role of conducting style.


In that way, as the counter is unified, so there is a security feeling. However, cost-wise, probably, it can be said that uneasiness still remains.

There may be quite a few contractors who are good at executing all of original state recovery and restoration as generally occurring ceiling・wall・floor material demolition and re-sticking, cleaning work operations, stocked goods demolition and so on. So, it may be good for you to ask them「Is it possible to request these construction by unifying them? 」.


When requesting original state recovery and restoration construction, what kind of information should be shared with the contractor?

A.Please refer to the below-mentioned points, as they can be raised.


Actual area of construction required place

What is the present state? How to return the property when handing it to be returned?

On which floor is the site, whether the elevator can be used or not? And, approximate size of the elevator.

Whether the daytime construction is OK or not? (whether the construction should be at night only, weekend only and so on)

Whether there is present drawing or not? Whether there is a drawing of the tenant opened or not(Hopefully, there is.)


Besides these, depending on construction contractors and construction contents, chances are that there may required customer’s information. In that case, it may be a nuisance, but kindly give us your cooperation.


When requesting original state recovery and restoration construction, what is inevitably occurring, nevertheless tends to be overlooked matter?

A.Construction caused waste materials, remaining material disposal・removing・moving out work operation and so on can be pointed out.



Gathered waste materials in garbage bags at a certain repair and recovery construction site situation.

Including existing part demolition materials, of course, when newly executing construction, waste materials will also come out.



For example, on re-sticking so-called decorative cloth, offcut materials, adhesive used for construction, re-sticked original so-called decorative cloth materials and so on become waste materials.

In the case of light gauge steel base bedding demolition and re-mounting, then the light gage steel base bedding, while in the case of board material re-sticking, then the board materials, those materials come out in the same manner.


Regretfully, as it is not possible completely not to come out waste materials, so it is becoming as expense.

In addition, if the materials which came out can be smoothly moved out with elevator or so as they are is still good. However, if they need to be moved out in the site, then chances are that it is more costly than usually.

If you are not sure about the situation or if there is unclear point and so on, kindly give us your counselling in the first place.



As Office・shop or store original state recovery and restoration construction (when moving・leaving) Q&A!,

we so far answered in this article as questions and answer style on doubts concerning original state recovery and restoration construction and their answers from the viewpoint of interior decorative construction company.


If you have other unclear points, please do not hesitate to ask us in our inquiry form and so on.

If there are other often asked questions, we may be going to newly write down our answers in the article.


On original state recovery and restoration construction, for property lender side, it is not「the construction which can be freely executed as own convenience」, but it becomes「a must based on the lease contract」, so it easily occurs troubles.


In order to prevent unnecessary troubles with property owner, managing company and so on and proceed moving and/or leaving smoothly, we suggest you to read above-mentioned points and the lease contract again and so on starting and proceeding from what you can do.

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On Office original state recovery and restoration Dot Com website,

from personal residence, housing apartment, office, commercial facility tenant, hotel, school and so on, regardless of scale, we are happy to receive your request of original state recovery and restoration construction work, and interior decorative finishing work.

Please be sure to contact our company for your quotation request, or consulting light heartedly.


Address: 〒171-0014

4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building

62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo


Click here for your request of our web quotation.

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