
Matters to do before requesting restoration construction work 


Hello everyone! This is Office restoration Dot Com website blog personnel in charge.

Our company is an interior decorative finishing construction company professionally mainly at Ikebukuro area, Tokyo, the midpoint, also in all over Kanto area,

in charge of all of interior finishing construction work, such as LGS(=light gauge steel) work, board work, cloth・floor finishing work, and so on.


It is already in the middle of December. Soon forgetting about this year, it seems to be feeling lonely these days.


Matters to do before starting restoration construction work

We are going to explain above point.

As we will explain work flow before starting actual construction work which you may imagine roughly, please refer to it for your reference.

Furthermore, as for the story of what restoration work is actually on earth, please refer here by all means.(Sorry, this is only in Japanese.)

It is not restricted to restoration construction work, though, when requesting construction work,

things to do before construction work could be rather more important than after starting.


Matters to do before starting restoration construction work


1.Meeting with property lender

2.Selection of work contractor, quotation, request of site study

3.Site and neighborhood study by selected work contractor as above

4.Greeting with neighborhood and tenant

5.Disposition of discarded goods・their collection, brief cleaning, stoppage of lifeline


  1. Meeting with property lender

As we referred to in our previous article a little, first thing to do before requesting actual construction work is the meeting with property lender after all.

We recommend you to read the contract sheet well before leaving out the property, and check  「the points this side should restore」sufficiently.


In the event of restoration construction work, there may be restricted by the lender to use the certain appointed contractor in the contract. Even in that case also,

we recommend you to let the contractor clarify construction work quotation sheet in detail, and check below points:

・if unnecessary construction work is included

・if construction work price is proper


  1. Selection of work contractor, quotation, request of site study

In the first place, even if restoration work contractor is decided by the property lender, in order to check if the construction work price is proper too,

we recommend you to request to obtain plural quotations besides the decided contractor.

Even the kind of work of「moving out 〇〇, and re-stick」, prices may vary according to calculation method, procedures, or operation worker numbers or so.

Naturally, from work requesters’ point of view, it seems that most inexpensive price must be precious.

We recommend you to be presented price with numerical concrete value, and should check if unreasonable request amount could be made.

If work contractor is not decided, also in the same manner as above too, we recommend you to request price quotation to plural possible workcontractors.

If it is written clearly and concretely in regard to construction work divisions in the relative quotation, it seems to enable you to feel safer.

For example, if only「a full set construction work of〇〇」is written in the quotation, it is difficult to grasp what and how requires actual detailed cost.

In that case, time permitting, it seems to be better to request to obtain offer specifications in detail.

On the contrary, if offer price happens to be significantly cheap, you also should be careful.

The chances are that cost which ought to be born could or be omitted, or relative industry waste could be illegally dumped.

It seems that you should not request construction work to contractors without having official work permission.

  1. Site and neighborhood study by selected work contractor

When work contractor is decided, you should finally request site and neighborhood study.

Even if construction work procedure should be roughly informed, it is still necessary to check materials, industry waste moving route, and surrounding situation.

The work contractor will check how is the size of requesting property, whether it is office, or shop or store,

if elevator exists, if there is other tenant shop or store in business on the same floor, and so on.

In addition, at this time, we recommend you to check in advance, if pointing out things to be disposed or so in advance,

it may be possible to negotiate price for moving out, then operation work may become smooth.


  1. Greeting with neighborhood and other tenant

After completed the relative study, then greeting with neighborhood and tenant will be carried out.

As for safe construction work including interior decorative demolition, it is inevitably necessary to obtain understanding of surroundings.

The work contractor will greet with neighborhood and tenant of course, however,

if possible we recommend you to do so in person accompanying together.

Naturally, if the construction work period is already decided, it is nice that this side may actively greet with them.

However, if it is too early, that side may forget about us.

When greeting, explaining rough construction work details, work period, working time schedule,

and route of moving in and out materials and so on may be carried out.


In case noisy sound or dust happen to occur near neighbor for construction work without knowing it in advance, it is getting annoying feeling, isn’t it?


5.Disposition of discarded goods・their collection, brief cleaning, stoppage of lifeline


Coming up here, it should be finally starting actual construction work・・・beforehand, in the first place we recommend you to dispose discarded goods at first.

If it is possible to dispose by this side, such as company staff personal goods, relatively small fittings, furniture, or household goods too,

then doing so may make operational work smooth. Or depending on things, selling them can possibly save cost.

In case the work contractor should dispose them, all will be becomin waste, then, it may take time for disposing.


Before executing construction work, if possible, cleaning or putting things in order in advance may lessen nuisance of work contractor too,

operation work may be becoming smooth. In some cases, it may be cost saving.

Finally just before construction work, all the lifeline must be stopped.

In order to be able to safely stop it at this stage, let us finish contacting about two weeks in advance.



This time, we have explained essence prior to starting construction work on restoration work procedure so far.

To make long story short:

・Reading contract sheet well, then make sufficient meeting with property lender.

・Requesting and obtaining quotations from plural possible contractors, then judge discreetly.

・Never miss often greeting with neighborhood          s greeting with

・Things which can be moved out, get rid of all on this side

Above all are important. Especially before construction work, there may be a lot of  points to be checked.


Of course, if you have any unclear point or so, please be sure to give us your inquiry light heartedly.


At our Office restoration Dot Com website,

from personal residence, housing apartment, office, commercial facility tenant, hotel, school and so on, regardless of scale,

we are happy to be receiving your request of restoration construction work, and interior decorative finishing work.

Please be sure to contact our company for your quotation request, or your consulting light heartedly.


Address: 〒171-0014

4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building

62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo


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