A travel at Shousenkyou canyon(Enjoying autumn, enjoying nature)①
- 英語,社長ブログ
- 投稿日:2021年12月25日
Hello! This is Office restoration Dot Com website blog.
Starting from today, we would like to upload various affairs and information little by little.
Just getting to the point, the other day as I visited Shousenkyou canyon, Yamanashi prefecture, so let me briefly explain the place.
I stayed three days there.
★The first day starting
I left Tokyo at noon time, arrived at Shousenkyou caravan site at around 16pm, and started pitching a tent. Then, I finished pitching a tent at around 17pm.
As I was busy that day, so I did not have breakfast or lunch.
It was a rest time of my stomach(vacant stomach time might be too long, though), I felt as if my body weight seems somewhat light.
I had unthickened chiken stew, cooked potato with butter, and steamed rice for supper.
I especially felt enjoying the supper.
We enjoyed having alcohol till very late at night by looking at the bonfire.
Bonfire is really nice after all!
I would like to introduce about the second and third days at Shousenkyou later the other day.
It has been getting cold these days recently especially at early morning and late at night, hasn’t it? Let us really take good care of our health!
Written by Mr Kenta Kikuchi, Top managing director